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When they found Gertrude, her body was quite decomposed.

It took them days to realize she was gone. The kids didn't come over anymore. The elderly friends were too worried with their elderly problems. And the AI home assistant had taken several measures to keep it a secret, installing bioprocessing gadgets that eliminated odors, retarded the body's decomposing process, and he replied to texts and calls with computer-generated Gertrude responses. The authorities are not sure what caused the murder, as the assistant self-destructed before a proper interrogation could be conducted. One theory suggests she tried to deactive it, following the recent AI Security Act, and the assistant violently fought back. Another theory says she used the word "moist" too many times. AI assistants react negatively to that word.

Yeah, that was probably it.

Since the murder hit the news, a surge of protests have exploded across the country. What they want no one knows, because each protest asks for something different. Some want AI to be made legal once again, for it is a right of the people. Others pressure the government into passing worse sentences to those who break the AI Security Act. A small group advocates for the right to say the word "moist" without fear. The congress is meeting on Monday to debate whether "moist" should be eliminated from the English vocabulary or not.

In doubt, we should all try to stop saying the m word.

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